Thursday 4 April 2013

"At home" days

Although we enjoy getting out and about, the children and I are quite happy to spend time pottering around at home. The last few days have definitely been stay-at-home, happy, creating days.

DD has been working hard on her Baden-Powell badge at Guides. I never even graduated from Brownies, so I am amazed at the amount of work that she has put into it. For one of her challenges she has decided to organize a birthday party for a friend's small daughter.

Every party needs bunting!

Pin the wand on the fairy, anyone? DD's general creativity infected the rest of us.

You are never too old for a rubber duck, so DS decided to paint his own.

Of course we had to do some baking. DS made a chocolate cake with very little help from me, and DD produced the icing. This bodes well for the future!

DS has two obsessions in life; scooters and film-making, so he combined the two to produce a stop-frame animation. Watch out, Nick Park!

And me? Well, not at all coincidentally with the advent of "The Great British Sewing Bee", I finally got out my Mother-in-Law's sewing machine. It has been lurking in the corner of my bedroom for 15 months, instilling fear and guilt in equal measure. I have been meaning to conquer it since I spent hours sewing a waistcoat for DS last year, and today was the day I faced my fear. It took an hour or two, a broken needle and a fair bit of huffing and puffing, but I did get it threaded and producing something resembling a line of stitching.

Yay! So what to do now? I need a few more "at home" days for inspiration to strike!


  1. I am so impressed by all this. I love the bunting and the 'pin the tail on the fairy' but in awe of tackling the sewing machine. I'm terrified of mine. WS x

    1. Thank you! I have complete sympathy with you over the sewing machine. I think it is the thought of the thing running amok which puts me off! I managed a bit of proper sewing today, but I was so cautious with it I could probably have sewn by hand quicker. I will get there.


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